Sunday, December 30, 2007

Medical Insurance suggestion for Visiting Parents / Seniors who are Green Card (GC) Holders

Q) What kind of Medical Insurance will you recommend for Visiting Parents & Seniors who are Green Card (GC) Holders?
A) For visitors who are visiting USA for short term (0-6 months) people normally buy traveler's medical insurance, but if you have someone who is Permanents Resident then they might be spending more time here in USA and should definately seek personal health insurance like something offered by United Health Care, Blue Cross, Kaiser etc.
If you are living in CA, being a permanent resident & a senior (65+), makes you eligible for Medi-Cal, because this is a State of California sponsored program. You can look up more information at:
The documents linked below say that GC holders are eligible.
Medi-Cal Eligibility Procedures Manual: See pages 3 & 29 of this 30-page PDF doc
Medi-Cal Information: Scroll down to the Medi-Cal Mail-In Application table. See the English Introduction doc. and the English Instructions doc.
Disclaimer: Please do not take our words for granted, we are justing helping you with some pointers to make better informed decision. Some people do like to have additional Visitor Medical insurance for taking care of unforseen additional expenses (atleast partially).

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